
We spend less time travelling between regions, allowing more time to enjoy experiences when you arrive. We avoid one night stops and “conveyor belt” travel, so you really can capture the local colour and vitality of the region. Our trips are planned so that there is a balance of included activities and free time for you to relax or do some exploring on your own.


Operatunity Presents: MAGICAL MUSICALS featuring Kate Lineham
Operatunity Presents: MAGICAL MUSICALS featuring Kate Lineham
Virtuoso, Versatile Star - Kelly Lim Harris
Virtuoso, Versatile Star - Kelly Lim Harris
NEW 2024 TRIP ANNOUNCED: Auckland Shows, Train and Boats Tour
NEW 2024 TRIP ANNOUNCED: Auckland Shows, Train and Boats Tour
Operatunity Presents: Shake, Rattle & Roll!
Operatunity Presents: Shake, Rattle & Roll!

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